Abiolad Foundation sprung up from the quest to honour the memory of Pa. OLADUNJOYE ABOWABA ARO AJASA LAMBERU,who was the father of Mrs Abidemi Oladipo, the Founder of the Foundation. Pa LAMBERU was adored in life and in death; the foundation is to share his goodwill to the vibrant people of Ikorodu division of Lagos Nigeria and the country at large. We believe the ideals, principles; standards and epitomes set by the founder's late father should not die, but rather guide and inspire new and unborn generations.
The objective is to advance and promote healthy living, especially for the disabled, the development of the local community as the relief of poverty within the community. She is also proud of her late father and want his name to be etched in the sands of time and to create an avenue where her family name would be identified and associated with good works.
We select worthy beneficiaries to our cause and implement plans to help them achieve their set goals
We raise fund from time to time to assist us in the actualization of our goals and objectives as a charity organization
Volunteers are recruited daily to assist the foundation in its day to day operations
Here is a peek into a few of our recent events as well as publications